Fence Railing Installation: Tips to Avoid Mistakes
DIY Fence Railing Installation can be fun, for the right person. For the inexperienced, it could quickly turn into a monster of a project. You’re doing the right thing by seeing what mistakes and pitfalls to avoid on your fence installation journey.
Cutting a Fence Railing Too Short
Sometimes, a builder may cut a fence railing too short to be used for installation. They will often cut it just long enough to reach the fence posts and then realize that they need another few inches to install the fence railing. Keep this in mind, because you don’t want to waste materials. Fortunately, most fences provide specs that list the length of the railing that is needed. It also usually signifies the extra inch or two that connects each post, so you won’t be making any miscuts.
Get Your Fence Permits
Just about every city requires a permit for fencing installation. It doesn’t matter which part of the project you’re on, whether it’s rail installation, post installation, clearing, etc. You still need permits to do fence work.
If your local municipality finds out that you are putting up a fence without the needed permits, then you will have to pay a fine. That fine will probably be more expensive than the fee for your application would be. Avoid headaches and find out if you need fence permits before you even think about railing installation.
Grade Changes
If you have a flat area where you’re putting up your fence – congratulations! You won’t have as many issues. But if you are putting it into an extremely graded backyard, for example, then here are some tips.
Consider cutting the fence railings even longer. This is because fences on a slope will need ever so slightly more railing than when they’re flush with the grade.
There is, however, a way to do straight fence railing installation even on very steep ground. You could install two posts, install the railing directly across, then be done. Now, once you go to a lower or higher elevation, you repeat the process which will result in a stacked look.
It might not be as great looking as doing the work to make a clean, same-height fence all around. But it will definitely make the fencing installation easier.
Need an Expert Fence Railing Installation?
As the premier fencing contractor in New Jersey, ByCarl’s Fencing can help you with fence railing installation, just contact us at 855-292-2757 (855 BY-CARLS)!