How to Deal with Drafty Windows
Drafty windows are a problem you may not notice until winter is here. But you should not feel those cold winter winds blowing inside your home or business. While replacing drafty windows is a great way to fix drafts and boost your energy efficiency, we know that window replacements are not always in your plans or budget. Here are a couple of ways to help stop those drafts.
Adding weatherstripping to your windows can help improve the insulation. Weatherstripping fits into the gaps between your window and the frame. It can help keep cold air from coming in. It is affordable and easy, making it a solution most people can use.
If you have cracked windows, but cannot replace the panes, you may wonder what you can do. You can use clear nail polish to seal small hairline cracks in your glass. You can even try an automobile glass repair kit. However, beware that these substances can interfere with any coatings on your glass.
Window draft snakes are another solution. If the draft is coming from the bottom of the window, draft snakes can keep it out. They also work great on drafty doorways. You can even DIY a window snake with materials you have at home. Of course, they are a temporary solution.
You can get insulating film to cover your windows. Use this film to create an airtight seal over windows that you do not open. It is a great way to stop drafts. However, you must remove it to have functional windows, and it can damage surfaces when you remove it. It is also not very attractive.
Caulking the windows improves insulation between your window frame and your home. It also helps seal out moisture. Caulking your windows’ interiors and exteriors is not just a great way to reduce drafts, but also keeps out bugs.
Sometimes people confuse caulk and glazing putty. Caulk goes around the wooden (or aluminum or plastic) parts of your window frame and connects the frame to the home. Glazing putty seals the window panes into the frame. Over time, this glazing putty can degrade. Removing the putty and replacing it with fresh putty can help reduce drafts. Some windows have plastic strips in place of the glazing. They can get damaged over time. You can also replace them.
If you prefer not to replace your windows, you can get interior storm windows or inserts. Vinyl replacement windows, however, may be a better value at similar cost. Contact Carl’s to discuss the various repair options for your windows, or to determine the cost of new windows.