Best Backyard Fences for your Dog
You know your dog best, and you also know that backyard fences are what’s best for them. It’s challenging, though. You want to give your best friend the opportunity to roam and run freely all over the place. But you also know that you can’t just do that; you never know what could happen. Wild dogs, cats, ticks, deer, and more could all be out there and hurt your dog, either by accident or on purpose.
Whether it is an invisible fence, privacy fence, picket fence, or any other kind – there are plenty of fences to secure your pup and allow them to roam without getting picked up, stolen, hurt by wildlife, or lost. Outdoor pet fencing also provides your dog the opportunity to exercise outside for as long as they want. So here are the best backyard fences for your dog to keep them safe!
Wood Dog Fences
A material as old as time itself. And for good reason, too! Wood works perfectly as a dog fence. It’s natural, familiar, aesthetic, and customizable. It’s easy to slap up a 6-foot tall wooden fence and call it a day. But take this as an opportunity to make a customizable fence that not only benefits your dog but you, too. Additionally, wood is often cheaper than some of the other options below. Don’t forget that you can choose between the private post style or picket fence style.
Vinyl Dog Fences
Vinyl as a fencing material is fairly new compared to the other options, but they pack different qualities that make them great for your dog. In fact, if your dog is a bit of a barker, this one might be perfect. That’s because vinyl has quite good sound resistance abilities. If your dog is not a barker but wants to chase after everything they see, then this one is probably just as good as a wooden privacy fence. It’s also super low maintenance!
Aluminum Dog Fences
Aluminum is the perfect material for one specific kind of dog – escape artists. Aluminum is incredibly strong and is capable of holding in the strongest and biggest dogs around. Of course, if you have more of a climber, an aluminum fence can be quite hard for their thumbless paws to get a grip on. Beyond that, the aluminum dog fence looks great and provides a sleek, modern aesthetic to any house.
Looking for the Best Dog Fences?
ByCarl’s Fencing helps you figure out what dog fence best suits your and your best friend, and installs with experience and professionalism, just contact us at 855-292-2757 (855 BY-CARLS) to find out how!